


$400 – 90 minute service

Performed with a hand held tool to create hair like strokes. Microblading is the most natural brow technique. Lasting 1-5 years. Results vary depending on skin type, lifestyle and more importantly aftercare.
Healing time is 7-10 days. An 8-10 week touch up is recommended, and is $50 for a follow up to the initial service.
A Color Boost is recommended for up keep every year to 18 months. Color Boost is $100

All new clients with previous work performed by another artist must be pre approved before booking, send a clear picture without makeup to (417) 274-4008.


Powder Brow

$475 -90 minute service

Performed by machine, for more of a makeup look. Great for all ages and skin types, especially oily skin and can provide more longevity then microblading. Lasting 2-5 years. Results vary depending on skin type, lifestyle and more importantly aftercare.
Healing time is 7-10 days. An 8-10 week touch up is recommended, and is $50 for a follow up to the initial service.
A Color Boost is recommended for up keep every year to 18 months. Color Boost is $100

All new clients with previous work performed by another artist must be pre approved before booking, send a clear picture without makeup to (417) 274-4008.

Ombré/Combo brow

$475 - 90 minute service

Performed with microblading in the bulb transferring into machine for a powder tail. Is the best of both worlds. Lasting 2-5 years. Results vary depending on skin type, lifestyle and more importantly aftercare.
Healing time is 7-10 days. An 8-10 week touch up is recommended, and is $50 for a follow up to the initial service.
A Color Boost is recommended for up keep every year to 18 months. Color Boost is $100

All new clients with previous work performed by another artist must be pre approved before booking, send a clear picture without makeup to (417) 274-4008.


Lip Blush

$250- 90 minute service

Lip blush is a semi permanent lip stain performed by machine lasting 12-18 months. Achieves the look of fuller lips by softly implanting pigment across lips including the vermillion border. Soft and natural alone or add lip gloss to further enhance. A 8-10 week touch up is encouraged after the initial service.
* If you’ve previously had a cold sore, it’s recommended to call your doctor and get a script for Valtrex to prevent a breakout and should be taken starting day of procedure.


Lip Filler

$175- 30 minute service

Performed with the revolutionary Beauty pen to use controlled pressure instead of a needle to insert 100% Hylaronic acid which your body completely metabolizes. Lasting 4-6 months on average.

Paramedical Areola Tattooing

$450 - 90 minute service

Must be at least 6 months post surgery.


Eyeliner Tattooing

$300 - Lash line and classic Eyeliner

$350 - Wing Eyeliner

$400 - Smoky Eyeliner

2 hour Service.
Eyeliner is customizable to your desired preference. I recommend you come to your appointment with how you currently wear your eyeliner. First we will go over options and desired look. Picture shown is of a smoky eyed look.

Ready to Enhance your Natural Beauty?